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出版:Jiazazhi Press

喬納斯.梅卡斯 : 對話電影人

喬納斯.梅卡斯 : 對話電影人

定價 MOP$297.00
定價 售價 MOP$297.00
特價 售罄要訂

喬納斯·梅卡斯出生於立陶宛,二戰結束後輾轉 移居紐約,在那裡,他逐漸成為美國地下電影的先 驅和紐約藝術界的晴雨表。他喜歡用鏡頭記錄自己的 日常,以此為素材製作自己的影片,並摸索出了一套 後世稱為“日記電影”的嶄新的電影風格。1958 年至 1977 年期間,梅卡斯每周都會在《鄉村之聲》雜志 (Village Voice)的“電影日誌”專欄發布他和世界 各地影人的對話、討論。

當年,梅卡斯是用攝像機記錄下採訪現場,再將 文字整理至“電影日誌”專欄,並會附上與受訪者相關 的劇照或照片作為每篇專欄的引子。《喬納斯·梅卡 斯:對話電影人》首次將梅卡斯與電影人朋友們的訪 談結集成書,收錄了 1961 年至 1975 年間“電影日 志”專欄刊載的部分採訪,參與的人有:斯托姆·德·赫 希、路易斯·布里岡特、安迪·沃霍爾、尼科斯·帕帕塔 基斯、阿爾伯特·梅索斯和大衛·梅索斯兄弟、彼得·庫 貝爾、阿涅斯·瓦爾達、哈里·史密斯、約翰·卡薩維茲、 斯坦·布拉哈格、蘇珊·桑塔格......書中還收錄了極具 文獻價值的私人信件和對談相關的圖片,另附有相關 人物索引。


Jonas Mekas, born in Lithuania, came to Brooklyn via Germany in 1949 and began shooting his first films there. Mekas developed a form of film diary in which he recorded his daily observations. He became the barometer of the New York art scene and a pioneer of American avant-garde cinema. Every week, from 1958 until 1977, he published his “Movie Journal” column in the Village Voice, conducting numerous interviews with filmmakers from all over the world. Conversations is the first time that these interviews with his filmmaker friends and associates have been put together in a book. Mekas recorded the conversations with his camera. From the films he shot with his interlocutors, Mekas selected one photo or still to introduce each interview. The collection of texts is supplemented by letters and extracts from related scenarios /scriptsand rounded out with an index of the people involved.

Jonas Mekas in conversation with Storm de Hirsch and Louis Brigante, Andy Warhol, Nico Papatakis, Albert and David Maysles, Peter Kubelka, Agnes Varda, Harry Smith, John Cassavetes, Stan Brakhage.

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